Click to Call Widget
can increase your online leads by 75%

using intellectual call back button on your website

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Why Use The Callback Tracker?

The Callback Tracker is an essential tool for any business that promotes its services online. It helps initiate a conversation between you and your potential clients, and makes sure that they won’t leave without a way for them to connect with you again later.

Save you time and effort

Callback widget only takes a few minutes to set up. All you have to do is paste a bit of code into your site’s template. After that, you will be able to quickly and easily respond to a customer’s call.

The Callback Tracker will help you:

  • Increase conversion on your website
  • Save time for both you and your customers
  • Boost your sales
  • Hold your site’s visitors

Fast installation. Works every time. Easy way to improve user experience with not much effort.

Leon - New York, NY

Strong Call-to-Action

The Click to Call widget

It’s easy for customers to get lost on websites, especially if they don’t have time to read through lengthy site guides and conditions. They may end up leaving the webpage without completing a purchase or ordering a service. The Call Back button helps customers navigate through your site by connecting them directly to you for help.

Start free trial now

I am very excited about having the simultaneous call feature!

John - Miami, FL

Click to call button for your website
Easy-to-use on mobile. Designed for every website.

Instant Notifications

Our unique Text and Email Notification system will save you time and energy. It alerts you and your employees to any requests for callbacks from a site visitor. The Click to Call widget is a great choice for smaller websites.

The support team was very responsive and was willing to make certain customizations to meet my business needs.

Fred - Atlanta, GA

(Screenshot: Callback Tracker Text Notification)

Engage Your Visitors

When a customer contacts a company by phone, they have to wait through automations and hope that they won’t get disconnected, or end up speaking with the wrong person. It’s an easy way to lose potential clients.

With the Callback Tracker, your customers are immediately transferred to the correct party without ever leaving your website.

Call Now Button works for multiple websites at the same time. It’s amazing, so easy to manage.

Los Angeles, CA

Want to discover all the features?

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that the Click to Call widget has to offer

Try Callback Tracker free for 14 days

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Cancel any time 5 minute setup Plans start at $14/month